CDBG-DR Phase 1: Preparing Pre-Award Documents for HUD.

Month 2: State grantees have 60 days from the Federal Register Public Notice to submit pre-award documents to HUD for the CDBG-DR Phase 1 process.

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CDBG-DR Grant Process Phase 1 (1 to 2 months)

State prepares pre-award documents to submit to HUD

From the date of the Public Notice published in the Federal Register, state grantees have 60 days to provide the following to HUD:

  1. Develop a new or amend a previously used citizen participation plan.
  2. Prepare and complete the Financial Management and Grant Compliance Certification checklist.
  3. Submit the Financial Management and Grant Compliance Certification checklist to HUD for review and approval.

During this phase, your state should be offering the following housing assistance:

  • Rental Assistance
  • Mortgage Assistance (When you are paying rents and a mortgage)

HUD then reviews the state's pre-award submission package and alerts the state grantee to develop a public master action plan.


by Murray Wennerlund
Expert Strategies for a Smoother Rebuilding Journey.

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