Week 2: Master Disaster Recovery - Appeals & Debt Relief
Week 2: Master FEMA appeals, maximize grants, and strategize debt relief. Navigate challenges for a resilient recovery journey.
By Murray Wennerlund, published on
To be considered for Transitional Shelter Assistance (TSA), applicants must meet all the following criteria:
- Register with FEMA for assistance and pass identity and occupancy verification;
- The primary residence is located in an area designated for TSA;
- Indicate a need for emergency sheltering;
- Indicate home damage during registration;
- Report damage that occurred within the incident period;
- Report a cause of damage that corresponds with the incident type (e.g., wind and rain for a hurricane);
- Not be linked with another valid registration for FEMA assistance; and
- Indicate a current location of shelter, hotel, car, or place of employment as part of their FEMA application
The criteria below are what FEMA relies on to establish that you do not qualify for ongoing TSA support.
In addition to all initial and uniform continued eligibility criteria, these additional factors will be implemented at each eligibility review interval, with Interval 1 generally beginning after the first 14 days that the registrant receives TSA, as follows:
You are Housed:
Registrant reports being back in damaged dwelling or alternate housing; new rental unit, Pre-disaster HUD; housing paid by other entities; DHAP, etc. -
No Habitability Repairs Required:
FEMA home assessment indicates no disaster caused damage preventing the registrant from moving back to their primary dwelling. -
Utilities Restored or Home Accessible (ERU-ERIA) only:
Utilities confirmed as restored and/or the home is now accessible. -
Appeal = Home is Safe to Occupy
A home assessment appeal indicates the home is now habitable. -
Ineligible >30 days
Registrant was notified of TSA eligibility and has not checked into a hotel in 30 days or more from notification. -
Not in Hotel
Confirmed registrant is not currently checked into a hotel. -
The registrant indicates the dwelling is inaccessible at the time of registration and has not updated their accessibility or received a home assessment. -
Leased/Licensed into FEMA Direct Housing
FEMA leased a registrant into a direct housing option. -
Refused HUD Housing Assistance
The registrant was referred to HUD housing and the registrant refused HUD housing assistance.